Gigi's Blog

Gigi's Grand Angels and her family….

Slow Down Time!

My, my, my!!!!!! It’s been 3 years since I have given any attention to My Gigi Blog!!!! Sorry to have been so long! The time just has a way of flying by!

My wonderful, sweetheart Mother is 93 and will be 94 in 6 short months!!! God love her, she’s such a beautiful soul! Every time I talk with her, she always says “say hello to all and I love them”!!! She is the Matriarch in our “Vissering” family. Also, in our own “Best” family!!! That seems so hard to realize. Keeping our arms around all our loved ones is so very important! Time really does FLY!!!

I retired on December 30, 2022. Many years with various jobs, but the most were with State Farm Insurance. I am amazed at the difference in a day now! James retired in February, 2023. We are enjoying not having to punch the time clocks now! Of course, “jobs” are not gone…. we actually have put more time into fixing and doing jobs around the house!!!!! Just not punching time clocks, hahahaha.

I can’t believe our 5 Grandangels are getting so big! Our baby, Presley will be “8” in 10 days!!! Then immediately following in 2 day our oldest, Kylie will be “15”!!!!!!!! Kaela will be “15” in June! Mason will be “12” in July! Brady will be “11” in March!!!! That is where I would request time to slow down! They are the absolute light of my life!!! Our “Cousin Sleepover’s” are like GOLD for us…….

We have just begun to climb above freezing today…. since Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and half of today, Wednesday was in very frigid temps.

I know GOD has a reason for everything and we must remember that. HE is in CONTROL!!!! I promise to make a better effort to write on my “Gigi Blog” more often!  …….Love Gigi…….

Slow Down Time

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Good morning!!!  Well, I now have the Colonoscopy test literally “behind” me!!!!!  Thank God everything is A.O.K!  However, I was exhausted afterward and slept and slept and still had a bit of a headache till this morning! I can tell it is leaving though!  Next weekend is Mother’s Day, James has to work, so we are going to get ready and go see his Mother (Shirley).  Last weekend was the Vissering Family Reunion, and it was wonderful to see everybody!  Wish I had my 2 little precious grandangels here to give me a big ol’ kiss and hug!  Ready for some more video on Facebook!  Rainy today, gotta have it for flowers, grasses, trees, and veggies!  The sun ul’ come out tomorrow!  Right!  Kaela, Maggie and Clay are in St. Louis right now, I know they are all enjoying having them up there!  Lana and Brian are getting ready for Allen and Rena’ to be here next weekend!  Well, guess I will go get ready for the day (gotta have a second cup of coffee with a ton of Hazelnut coffeemate)!  Love …………………………………………..

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Vissering Family Reunion

Well, we had our Vissering Family Reunion this past Saturday and it was just fabulous as usual!  We had over 100 again, and more food than you can shake a stick at!!!!!!!  God blessed us with a beautiful day!  Our family visited Mother and Daddy afterwards, Kylie and Kaela bring such joy and I got lots of great pics!  They are really getting big! I crave their innocent sweet little faces!  They were a huge hit at the Family Reunion, then at Mother and Daddy’s they were so cute playing together!  I must get to work now, I will look forward to getting home tonight and seeing if my sweet husband has the pics on the family website!!!!!!  Love to all………………….

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