Gigi's Blog

Gigi's Grand Angels and her family….

Kaela’s 1st Birthday Party

We are on our way to going to Kaela’s 1st birthday party!!!  Summer heat is HERE!!!   I love summer, such a FUN time!  Just wanted to write a quick note, I will tell you all about the party later!  Gotta get busy fixing the veggie tray and rest of food!  Love………………………………………………… Gigi



Friday evening, and I am soooo happy!!!!  I sure thank God for the blessings he has bestowed upon me!  Summer is about to bust wide open and I love it!!!  Pitching the June bugs right now!  So wonderful to suck up the fresh open air!  both of my Grandangels, Kylie and Kaela are walking and starting to try to talk now!!  They are both so precious and beautiful!!  Next weekend is Kaela’s 1st birthday!  My how the time we are blessed with, FLIES!!!!  Also, next weekend is Father’s Day and I sure have the most fabulous Father in the world!!!  I plan on enjoying this whole weekend!  Love……………………………………………………… Gigi

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