Gigi's Blog

Gigi's Grand Angels and her family….

Slow Down Time!

My, my, my!!!!!! It’s been 3 years since I have given any attention to My Gigi Blog!!!! Sorry to have been so long! The time just has a way of flying by!

My wonderful, sweetheart Mother is 93 and will be 94 in 6 short months!!! God love her, she’s such a beautiful soul! Every time I talk with her, she always says “say hello to all and I love them”!!! She is the Matriarch in our “Vissering” family. Also, in our own “Best” family!!! That seems so hard to realize. Keeping our arms around all our loved ones is so very important! Time really does FLY!!!

I retired on December 30, 2022. Many years with various jobs, but the most were with State Farm Insurance. I am amazed at the difference in a day now! James retired in February, 2023. We are enjoying not having to punch the time clocks now! Of course, “jobs” are not gone…. we actually have put more time into fixing and doing jobs around the house!!!!! Just not punching time clocks, hahahaha.

I can’t believe our 5 Grandangels are getting so big! Our baby, Presley will be “8” in 10 days!!! Then immediately following in 2 day our oldest, Kylie will be “15”!!!!!!!! Kaela will be “15” in June! Mason will be “12” in July! Brady will be “11” in March!!!! That is where I would request time to slow down! They are the absolute light of my life!!! Our “Cousin Sleepover’s” are like GOLD for us…….

We have just begun to climb above freezing today…. since Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and half of today, Wednesday was in very frigid temps.

I know GOD has a reason for everything and we must remember that. HE is in CONTROL!!!! I promise to make a better effort to write on my “Gigi Blog” more often!  …….Love Gigi…….

Slow Down Time

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Record Freeze at Gigi’s House

A picture of record freeze in Texas

Gigi’s Record Freeze in Texas

Well, 2020 was an absolute nightmare of a year at Gigi’s! Of course, there were many good things that took place, but there were so many bad things that happened that made it seem like such a bad, sad year!

Our President Donald J Trump (who had been such a blessing for the USA) was totally cheated out of his winning re-election! Dems, media, and evil people blasted the Covid-19 virus on our world! It is crazy what we have been forced to do!

Well, into 2021 now and day after tomorrow is March 1st! Been 3 years since I wrote…….. pitiful! 2021 has had equally horrendous things! Biden is our fraudulent president.

The entire state has suffered greatly! ERCOT shut us down and much damage done all over the state! So unfair! (Seems to be a trend in our nation lately).

The American people are being forced to stop Church, social distance, wear masks, stop businesses! Accept genderless lifestyles, destroy history because it offends radicals, give up freedoms in soooo many ways! Just horrible!

Dear God in heaven………..please forgive us and please help us! Sending Gigi’s Love!

Record Freeze


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Time Races By

Time Races By

Here we are, March 18, 2018!!!!! It just amazes me how fast time ticks! So much has happened in our lives since I last wrote on here!

Time races by and our family has been changed forever, I lost my Daddy on April 23, 2016. I miss him dearly, everyday!

Then just 6 months later, my sister lost her husband, my dear brother-in-law, and we were once again devastated. It is so difficult to say goodbye (temporarily) to our beloved family members!!! The joy is, we will see them again!

Praise God for that promise! Our 5 precious grandangels are growing sooooo fast! I am getting the house ready for very little housekeeping to be done over the summer! Pool living is our life in the summertime! I have always loved the outside and flowers and plants!!!!!!

Only 2 more days till Spring!!!!! Yiiiipppppeeeeeee! Love…Gigi

Time Races By

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Labor Day September 4, 2017

GrandkidsBeen so long since I wrote on here, I have forgotten how!!! Gotta catch up!

Our precious little doll Presley made her entrance and she’s already walking and talking!!!

I can’t believe my 5 grandangels are all growing sooo fast!!! Gigi sure loves them sooo much!

Give me a minute to relearn this!!! I’ll be back…Love Gigi………



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3 1/2 weeks till Due Date for Presley

Well, we are definitely counting down for our little Presley to arrive! She will be our 5th Grandangel!

3 girls and 2 boys! Blessed, blessed, blessed, Praise God in heaven!

Her due date is February 4th, but, when God is ready for her to get here, that’s what we want!

Come on little doll, you are going to be greeted by such LOVE!!!!!!!! Love…Gigi


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My Fifth Grandangel

I am so excited to be awaiting my 5th grandangel.

Lana and Brian are having a little girl! Presley will be her name. We are all soooo excited. I have a countdown on my blog now. 5 weeks till she’s due!

Baby shower on January 16th! Mason will be the best big brother, I’m quite sure! He has had lots of play time with his cousins, Kaela and Kylie! So, Mason and Brady will have 3 girls to contend with.

I’m sure they will give them a run for their money!!!

Anyway…….I am sooooooooo excited and can’t wait for little Presley!!! Love Gigi……………


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Summer 2015!!!!!!!!!!!

Been waaaaaaaaaay too long since I posted on here!!!

My 4 Grandangels are growing tooo fast! And…guess what, our 5th one is on the way!!! Yiiiiipppppeeeeee!!!!!

The first day of school was today and all went well. Kylie and Kaela are starting their journey through school now!!

Mason starts pre-K tomorrow for a couple days a week. Brady is coming up in the ranks and will be doing all this too soon!!! I sure love my grandangels.

This summer has flown by! Not ready to cover the pool yet, trying to stretch the warmth at least a couple more weeks!!

God is awesome and definitely in control!!! Love……….Gigi


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Fall is Here!!!!!! October 19th, 2014

grandchildrenWooooooHoooooo!!!! I hate to see summer leave…. but I am now ready to usher in what comes with this time of the year! Thanksgiving and Christmas!!!! v

This weather can’t quite decide what it wants to do… 4 precious grandangels are sure growing!!!

I am ready to hit the hay now……after midnight 🙂  I’ll talk more later…Love…….Gigi


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Palm Sunday, April 13, 2014

Bounce House As normal, it has been a long time since I have written on my blog!!!  Have I mentioned that I have 4 of the most wonderful grandangels on earth!!!  Kylie and Kaela and Mason and Brady, in that order!!!  They are the joys of my life, for sure!!!  Our annual Vissering Family Reunion is in 2 weeks.  Hope we have a good crowd.  I always look forward to visiting and talking with family.  Life is actually very short and we should stop and show the people in our lives that we LOVE them!!! (often) 🙂  Love ……….. Gigi

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